
This is my most central alterhuman identity. It is also the first one I awakened to! My entire life I felt disconnected with the idea of humanity, but I didn't actually discover the otherkin community until 2014 or so, on Tumblr. It was like a lightbulb going off, and I quickly started following many folks in the angelkin community. I never really posted anything about it myself, though. I felt like I didn't quite fit with the common idea of angelkinnity, and this was back in the day where anti-kin blogs ran rather rampant, and I was already getting enough anon hate as it was.

Most angelkin I met at the time were biblical angelkin, as in, a lot of specifically named angels that appear in different religious texts. Your Michaels, Gabriels, Raphaels... And my memories didn't fit into that much at all. When I shared my memories, they often were ridiculed for not fitting into that by a few rude folks. Most of the community likely would've been accepting, but those earlier interactions with just a few folks had colored my vision of it for a while. It took a lot of time for me to come out of my shell and actually share more of them publically because of that. I've only really talked about my angelkinnity publically in the last two years. If any fellow "strange" angels are reading this (strangels?) know that there's no wrong way to be you, and there are tons of folks who will accept you for who you are.

I'm an angel, I'm not from any religious texts, and that's okay. To me, my angelic identity contributes to a sense of duty and belonging. It connects to my desire to help others, and to my desire to do something meaningful. Being an angel, to me, is being something other than human (note that I said "other" and not "more") and being part of a bigger whole, a small part of a beautiful picture. There are positives and negatives to it, as there is with anything, and I do have complicated feelings about it. But overall, even if I could change this part of me, I wouldn't change a thing.

Wanna know more about the specifics of my angelkin identity? Check out the links on the side! (They're written under the assumption that you'll read them in order)