This lore sounds familiar! Can I talk to you about it?
Yeah, go ahead! Feel free to message me on tumblr. My angelkin tumblr is aliferous-angel, but feel free to message me on any of the blogs listed on my about page. Even if you just wanna know more for curiosity's sake, hit me up! I love to talk about it.

I think I might be angelkin. What now?
I'd recommend checking out the alterhuman resources page on my website for further reading. Here's a link! I'd also recommend looking into angelkin communities, talking to other angels, and just taking some time to sit with your feelings. See if it feels like it fits, and if it ends up that it doesn't, then there's no shame in being mistaken! Identifying as angelkin for a bit and then stopping doesn't mean you were lying or anything like that, it just means you understand yourself better now.

Wouldn't fallen angel be a more fitting label since you were breaking Heaven's rules?
This is actually a question I've gotten a Ton over the years and, nope! I don't have specific memories of falling, and even if I did, I'd be completely fine to just say I'm angelkin and leave it at that. I identify with my angelhood, even as I went against the rules. I'm now in a place where I can take and leave what I want from that time. Heaven had problems, as I remember it, but it's still part of me, and I still feel fondly towards it and identify with being a part of it. It's up to everyone individually how they define their kintype.

Wait do you use first-person or third-person pronouns for Florian?
yes <3

I have a question that isn't answered here!
Let me know wherever ya please, and I'll probably answer it.